If you see me walkin' down the line

with my fav'rite honky tonk in mind,

well, I'll be here around suppertime

with my can of dinner and a bunch of fine.

Beer drinkers and hell raisers, yeah.

Uh-huh-huh, baby, don't you wanna come with me?

The crowd gets loud when the band gets right,

tight - ضيق
through - عبر
thought - فكر
experimental - تجريبي
right - حق
wanna - اريد
fight - يقاتل
corner - ركن
dinner - وجبة عشاء
crowd - يحشد
cover - غطاء، يغطي
steel - صلب
drinkers - يشربون
bunch - باقة
raisers - مربي
around - حول
joint - مشترك
house - منزل
congressional - الكونغرس
floor - أرضية
suppertime - suppertime
gonna - سوف
guitar - غيتار
honky - هونكي
night - ليل
professional - المحترفين

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