تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.
أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.
استخدم شريط التمرير لتحرير بداية ونهاية مقطع الفيديو
انقر فوق رموز التدريب التي تريد إضافة العبارة لها لمزيد من الدراسة
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
ابدأ التعلم
Ted, honey,
don't play with your food.
You, either, Mom.
So, mom, do you happen to know
if there's like any place
where I could
get a real tree?
Ted, we already have a tree.
It's the latest model.
Yeah, but I mean a real one that that
grows out of the...
...the ground or whatever.
You know, like, a real tree.
Really? You would rather have
some dirty, messy lump of wood,
that just sticks out of the ground?
And it does what?
I don't even know what it does.
What's its purpose?
Look at what we've got.
It's the Oak-amatic. The only
tree with its own remote.
Summer, autumn, winter,
and disco!
- Mom?
- Come on, Ted. Get into it.
Dance with the tree.
Oh, it hurts, Mom. Please, stop.
So, anyway...
Let's just say I need a tree.
Where would I go?
What do I do?
Then you know what? You
need to find the Once-ler.
The What? The What?
Mom, it's not really the time for one of
your, you know, magical fables, okay?
That's right, I forgot.
I'm old and can't even
remember to put my teeth in.
Stand down.
That's not what I meant.
No, really,
I forgot my teeth.
Would you be a dear
and go get them for me?
Sure, Mom.
Okay, here's the deal.
The Once-ler is the man who knows
what happened to the trees.
You want one,
you need to find him.
The Once-ler?
Okay. Grammy, is this a real thing
that we're talking about now?
Oh, he's real all right.
Well, where
can I find him?
Far outside of town
where the grass never grows
and the wind smells slow
and sour when it blows.
And no birds ever sing,
excepting old crows.
Quit doing that.
That's the place
where the Once-ler lives.
Wait, outside of town?
People used to say,
if you brought him 15 cents, a nail...
and the shell of a great,
great, great grandfather snail,
he'd tell you everything.
would - سيكون
where - أين
whatever - ايا كان
trees - الأشجار
thing - شيء
teeth - أسنان
summer - الصيف
stand - يفهم
snail - حلزون
shell - الصدف
winter - شتاء
remote - التحكم عن بعد
forgot - نسيت
crows - الغربان
excepting - باستثناء
fables - الخرافات
doing - فعل
right - حق
disco - ديسكو
grass - نجيل
smells - الروائح
lives - الأرواح
cents - سنتا
dance - رقص
anyway - على أي حال
happen - يحدث
already - سابقا
brought - جلبت
never - أبدا
purpose - غرض
great - عظيم
knows - يعرف
blows - ضربات
everything - كل شىء
grammy - غرامي
dirty - قذر
birds - الطيور
outside - في الخارج
could - استطاع
grandfather - جد
people - اشخاص
ground - أرض
grows - ينمو
happened - حدث
hurts - يؤلم
please - رجاء
either - إما
latest - آخر
talking - الحديث
about - حول
magical - سحري
sticks - العصي
autumn - الخريف
messy - فوضوي
model - نموذج
honey - عسل
place - مكان
amatic - أماتيك
meant - مقصود
really - هل حقا
rather - بدلا
remember - تذكر
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
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