تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.
أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.
استخدم شريط التمرير لتحرير بداية ونهاية مقطع الفيديو
انقر فوق رموز التدريب التي تريد إضافة العبارة لها لمزيد من الدراسة
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
ابدأ التعلم
I'm going to have
peppermint stick.
Yeah, me too. Can I just
have peppermint stick?
- Sure.
- No, it's just called a peppermint.
- Peppermint dick!
- Honestly.
Peppermint clit!
- We're just gonna have four cones.
- Four cones.
- Susanna, do you want anything?
- I'm fine.
- Hey, Ronny.
- Yes?
- You got any hot fudge?
- Yes.
Yeah? Can I have a vanilla sundae
with hot fudge...
and sprinkles?
Rainbow, not chocolate.
whipped cream...
Let's have a seat, ladies.
Melvin thought that I should
live in a halfway house.
But my father knew
that I deserved my own apartment.
So he got me
the prettiest apartment.
It has an eat-in chicken...
and all this beautiful
wicker furniture and...
Which is fantastic.
Wicker butterflies.
My very favorite part...
is like in the phone book.
There's a sign
right outside that says:
"If you lived here
you'd be home now."
Hello, Susanna. Do you remember me?
You must remember me.
- Yes. Mrs. Gilcrest, hi.
- Susanna, are you okay?
I'm fine.
- Hey, Bonnie. How's Radcliffe?
- Wellesley. I'm enjoying it.
It's strong in art. I'm going
to the Sorbonne this summer.
- That's great.
- You know, I know all about you.
And I hope
they put you away forever.
- Is this the professor's wife?
- What professor?
Oh, so you told everybody.
- Lady, back off.
- Was I talking to you?
No, you were spitting on me,
so mellow fucking out.
- Don't you tell me what to do.
- She gave your husband a rim job.
Big fucking deal!
I'm sure he was begging for it, and
I heard it was like a pencil anyway.
How dare you?
Hey, some advice, okay? Just don't point your
fucking finger at crazy people!
Let go of me.
- Mother.
- Get that out of my face, asshole!
Let go! Now.
Stop it!
You shared a man with that woman?
wicker - مملد
whipped - جلد
vanilla - فانيلا
stick - عصا
sprinkles - الرشات
sorbonne - السوربون
should - ينبغي
shared - مشترك
right - حق
remember - تذكر
rainbow - قوس المطر
summer - الصيف
professor - دكتور جامعى
point - نقطة
peppermint - نعناع
which - التي
fantastic - رائع
phone - هاتف
furniture - أثاث المنزل
enjoying - تتمتع
crazy - مجنون
chocolate - شوكولاتة
chicken - دجاج
anyway - على أي حال
pencil - قلم
cream - كريم
spitting - بصق
begging - تسول
mellow - يانع
called - مسمي
honestly - بكل صراحه
anything - اى شى
wellesley - وليسلي
mother - أم
everybody - الجميع
butterflies - papillons
prettiest - أجمل
fudge - حلوى
outside - في الخارج
cones - المخاريط
woman - النساء
hello - مرحبا
talking - الحديث
about - حول
bonnie - بوني
beautiful - جميلة
sundae - مثلجات
apartment - شقة
fucking - سخيف
asshole - الأحمق
radcliffe - رادكليف
cherries - كرز
father - الآب
advice - النصيحة
favorite - المفضل
finger - اصبع اليد
strong - قوي
forever - إلى الأبد
going - ذاهب
deserved - استحق
gonna - سوف
great - عظيم
halfway - في منتصف الطريق
ronny - روني
gilcrest - gilcrest
heard - سمعت
house - منزل
husband - الزوج
thought - فكر
ladies - السيدات
lived - يسكن
melvin - ملفين
susanna - سوزانا
people - اشخاص
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
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