Aprende el inglés auténtico de libros y películas.
Añade palabras o expresiones para aprender y practica con otros usuarios.
Charlotte and David are busy. They are cookingcookcooks dinner now.
Peter sometimes readreadsis reading comics.
I likeslikeare liking spaghetti.
He studystudiesis studying for his test tonight.
We watchis watchingare watching a horror film right now.
Is he playingAre he playingDoes he play the guitar this week?
My mother makemakesis making breakfast today.
Look! The boys are comingcomeis coming home right now.
We doesn't tidytidiesdon’t tidy our bedrooms on Sunday.
My friends always are meetingmeetsmeet at the weekends.
What isdoare you doingdoesdo now?
I preferspreferam preferring this scarf
We often playplaysare playing cards in the evening, but today we are playingplayis playing board games.
What areisdo your favorite sport?
Her brother likedoesn't likedon't like chocolate ice - cream.
She talksare talkingis talking on the phone at the moment.
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