Aprende el inglés auténtico de libros y películas.
Añade palabras o expresiones para aprender y practica con otros usuarios.
I have finishedhave been finishedhave been finishing my homework so now I can go to bed
I have readhave been readinghas been reading this book for a long time now - it’s a very long story
They have swumhave been swumhave been swimming. Give them a towel, they’re wet
I have been makinghave madehas made a cake, it’s in the fridge
It has raininghas been raininghas rained for hours!
Where were you? We have been waitedhave been waitinghave waited for ages
I have been seenhave been seeinghave seen all of his movies
I have visitinghave visitedhave been visiting over 30 countries and this is the strangest…
He has already openedhave already openedhas already opening all the windows
She has just been gonehas just gone outhas just been going for a walk
Have you ever metHave you ever been metDo you ever met someone famous?
Have you watchedHave you been watchingHave you been watched that new TV show? The last episode is next week
She has recently boughthas recently been buyinghas recently buying a new house and is happy with the house so far
I have been learnedhave learninghave been learning a third language
Has he seenHave he seenHas he been seeing many ghosts?
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