Aprende el inglés auténtico de libros y películas.
Añade palabras o expresiones para aprender y practica con otros usuarios.
Wejust donejust have done’ve just done the shopping that’s why I’ve got shopping bags in my hands!
I’ve already seenalready have seen‘ve just seen this film, let’s watch another one
He has been tohasn’t been tohasn’t been in this country before, he’s excited about seeing a new country
I’ve still gotstill have got‘ve already got your shoes in my house, it’s been a long time - can you come and get them?
She has lovedhas already lovedhas always loved chocolate - she loved it as a child and she loves it more now!
They’ve lived here beforesincefor January 2000, it’s been good
I’ve been here aftersincefor 2 hours, why are you late?
We‘ve always been‘ve already been’ve never been to that doctor so I don’t know what will happen when we go
He still hasn’t donehasn’t just donehas still done his homework and I’ve told him to do it many times!
She hasn’t always dressedhas always dressedstill hasn’t dressed this way she used to be very unfashionable
I haven’t seen you here yetbeforealready - who are you?
I haven’t finished cooking the chicken yetalreadybefore, it’ll be ready in 10 minutes
He has never understoodhas always understoodjust hasn’t understood the question, maybe you ask him again…
What countries has you already beenhave you already beenhave you just been to? I heard you travelled a lot when you were younger
Have you never beenHave you just comeHave you still come back from the park? You have got dirty shoes…
What have she always liked tohas she just liked tohas she always liked to eat for breakfast? You’ve known her for a long time so you can help me
Have you just gotHave you always gotHave you still got any mushrooms? I saw them yesterday and I’d like some if you have any
Has she never been there alreadyyetbefore? I thought she had, it’s a popular place
He‘s still won‘s already won’s just won the race! Look how happy he is!
They have always enjoyedhave just enjoyedhave never enjoyed house parties that’s why they don’t come to them
He hasn’t seen any ghosts in this house forsince 12 years
Have you started making lunch beforeyetago? You said you would cook it an hour ago
I’ve still got‘ve just got‘ve always got your old hat in my cupboard. If you want it, come and get it
We’ve never eaten at this restaurant yetsincebefore so I hope that the food is good!