Jack-in-the-box and here I am

Your favourite mirror and your only honest reflection and your guide

I am your deepest fear, the one you'll always hear

I am the devil in disguise, I am your dream

I am the sneaky connection to your most devilish reflection

The scary imagination of the real you

I represent what you deny

You're never scared so why are you running away

From the temptation of my words?

Oh you don't know what I could do for you

Or I could put you through..

And you don't really understand that only fear leads this game

Face your demons

Hear that inner voice

It calls, it cries for you

Just listen well

I'm the one who'll tell terrifying, scary, dreadful tales

You'd better listen

That's some free advice

So what scares you the most

Let me know, be a good host

words - palabras
wants - quiere
terrifying - espantoso
temptation - tentación
tales - cuentos
still - todavía
speaks - habla
sneaky - furtivo
seeing - viendo
scary - de miedo
running - corriendo
dying - moribundo
through - mediante
scares - asusta
devilish - diabólico
dream - sueño
disguise - disfraz
things - cosas
demon - demonio
devil - diablo
cries - llantos
friends - amigos
cannot - no poder
imagination - imaginación
mirror - espejo
cloud - nube
always - siempre
advice - consejo
wound - herida
bleeding - sangría
better - mejor
getting - consiguiendo
connection - conexión
breaking - rotura
crushed - aplastada
deepest - más profundo
calls - llamadas
color - color
scared - asustado
really - de verdad
favourite - favorito
racing - carreras
floating - flotante
voice - voz
under - debajo
honest - honesto
demons - demonios
guide - guía
inside - dentro
haunts - frecuenta
inner - interior
listen - escucha
stopped - detenido
fright - susto
misty - brumoso
could - podría
looks - mira
loose - suelto
memories - recuerdos
leads - conduce
never - nunca
understand - entender
dreadful - terrible
reflection - reflexión
represent - representar
revenge - venganza

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