I open up my door to greet the early morning sun

Closing it behind me and away I do run

To the meadow where the meadow lark is singing in the tree

In the meadow I go walking in the early morning breeze

I cup my hands to catch a multi-colored butterfly

Perched upon the petals of flowers growing wild

Freeing it I watch it as it flies away from me

To visit with the flowers in the early morning breeze

visit - visitar
there - ahí
stray - extraviado
walking - para caminar
still - todavía
singing - canto
multi - multi
morning - mañana
misty - brumoso
leaves - hojas
linger - persistir
knees - rodillas
hands - manos
closing - clausura
kneel - arrodillarse
about - acerca de
catch - captura
butterfly - mariposa
among - entre
aster - aster
meadow - prado
behind - detrás
chorus - coro
breeze - brisa
flowers - flores
perched - encaramado
kissed - besado
growing - creciente
coming - viniendo
watch - reloj
drops - gotas
early - temprano
flies - moscas
where - dónde
courage - valor
freeing - liberando
gently - suavemente
rainbow - arco iris
dahlia - dalia
geraniums - geranios
petals - pétalos
colored - de colores
greet - saludar

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