We're leaving today

After dust-ridden shutters close

And heartbeats they rush

Then to cease in your embrace

These scars thoughout the night

Left no more fighting in us

No tears to fill the void

In a place even devils fled

The wretched tongues

Wording their pain onto me

Until eventide enters

There's no place out of here

For grace to lift me up

Every molecule whispered to make peace with its unreality

I felt I was slipping downwards

Into darkness

... And in darkness I stayed

Until sadness closed its eyes

wording - fraseología
whispered - susurrado
until - hasta
unreality - irrealidad
turned - convertido
tongues - lenguas
today - hoy
these - estas
while - mientras
their - su
tears - lágrimas
still - todavía
stayed - se quedó
stars - estrellas
embrace - abrazo
benevolent - benevolente
elusive - elusivo
after - después
dwell - habitar
drown - ahogar
darkness - oscuridad
turmoil - confusión
tired - cansado
passing - paso
enters - entra
carrying - que lleva
fallen - caído
every - jeder
cease - cesar
devils - diablos
heart - corazón
crowd - multitud
before - antes de
escape - escapar
hands - manos
leaving - dejando
molecule - molécula
eventide - recordar
scars - cicatrices
ridden - montado
fighting - lucha
heartbeats - latidos del corazón
ships - naves
wretched - desdichado
downwards - hacia abajo
glimmer - luz tenue
vicious - vicioso
grace - gracia
maddening - enloquecedor
hearts - copas
peace - paz
shutters - persianas
breathe - respirar
night - noche
sadness - tristeza
place - lugar
sight - visión
falling - que cae
release - lanzamiento
closed - cerrado
silvery - plateado
close - cerca
since - ya que
slipping - corrimiento

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