The grass was as green as it always was that sinister day

The Blackbird sang their songs as they always did that black-letter day

The day we passed the great gate for the very last time

I did not look back, I knew we'd stay

I knew they I would not let us go leave the death strip

I saw the gleam in their eyes of fear and enslavement

Suffering from the crushing weight

Beloveth ground take me home

Alesia, Alisanos

Wake me when I'm gone

Ianotouta, eternity

Proclaim our barren sacrifice

weight - peso
walked - caminado
trailed - arrastrado
their - su
tears - lágrimas
songs - canciones
sacrifice - sacrificio
proclaim - proclamar
times - veces
passed - pasado
outside - fuera de
offered - ofrecido
letter - carta
cries - llantos
embraced - abrazado
black - negro
living - vivo
alleys - paseos
blackbird - mirlo
barren - estéril
strip - tira
leave - salir
alesia - alesia
thousand - mil
before - antes de
doors - puertas
where - dónde
cherished - querido
always - siempre
death - muerte
deathly - mortal
would - haría
sinister - siniestro
grass - césped
crushing - aplastante
enslavement - esclavitud
gleam - destello
yielded - producido
eternity - eternidad
suffering - sufrimiento
ground - suelo
great - estupendo
green - verde

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