In a contented manner

She sits by the bonfire

Sanctimoniously thanking you for the hospitality

Her treacherous intentions

As cold as the occasional

Drafts of wind piercing your back

You mistake the twinkle in her eyes

For pure warm-heartedness,

And have no premonition of their effect on you.

virtuoso - virtuoso
treacherous - traicionero
steal - robar
smile - sonreír
sinister - siniestro
sanity - cordura
sacrifice - sacrificio
premonition - premonición
occasional - ocasional
treasure - tesoro
leaves - hojas
bonfire - hoguera
crush - aplastar
contented - contento
bones - huesos
disembodied - incorpóreo
piercing - perforación
happening - sucediendo
intentions - intenciones
chance - oportunidad
waving - ondulación
arcane - arcano
flickering - parpadeo
become - volverse
twinkle - centelleo
sacred - sagrado
deceit - engaño
satisfaction - satisfacción
effect - efecto
exercise - ejercicio
thanking - agradeciendo
cursed - maldito
manner - manera
hospitality - hospitalidad
flesh - carne
preciousness - preciosidad
bleak - desolado
drafts - borradores
their - su
mistake - error
being - siendo
glance - vistazo
altar - altar
escape - escapar
through - mediante
fiend - demonio

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