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Everything Everything - Undrowned traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Undrowned - Everything Everything

palabras a estudiar

First, boy, I think you should know

If you try hard then you might get a part

As a doe-eyed impressionist mime

Bare as the lives of the footballers' wives that surround you,

Their diamonds aloft,

A system of pistons,

Arachnid and blistered

A billboard, a murder of crows

While princes fly drones that can see through your bones

And the wind stops, the temperature drops

And harpies melt through you like horses to glue

I believe you, but not what you say

To close it around til you're scorched and undrowned,

They devour you and totter in heels

And who wants the Falklands and who wants the Balkans

I love you, just like a bank

There's so much to talk about that we don't talk about, boy

Trust in me

I fell

She said it fills me with dread