Some friends and I in a public place
Were playing cards one night
When into the room a fireman ran
His face all chalky while.
"What's up?", says Brown, "Have you seen a ghost,
or have you seen you aunt Mariah?"
"Me aunt Maria be buggered!", says he,
"The bleedin' pub's on fire!"
"Oh well," says Brown, "What a bit of luck.
Everybody follow me!
Ands it's down to the cellar,
If the fire's not there
Then we'll have a grand old spree."
So we all went down with good old Brown
The booze we could not miss
And we had't been in there ten minutes or more
Till we were all quite pissed.
And there was Brown upside down
Lappin' up the Whiskey on the floor.
"Let's booze, booze!" The firemen cried
As they came knockin' on the door
O don't let ,em in till it's all drunk up
Somebody shouted: "MacIntyre!" - MACINTYRE!
And we all got blue-blind paralytic drunk
When the old Dun Cow caught fire.
Then Smith walked over to the port wine tub
and he gave it a few hard knocks
The he started takin' off his pantaloons
Likewise his shoes and socks.
"Oh, no!" says Brown, "that ain't allowed!
You can't do that thing here!
whiskey - whisky
upside - boca arriba
trousers - pantalones
thing - cosa
there - ahí
tastes - gustos
tacks - tachuelas
swear - jurar
spree - juerga
smith - [object Object]
shouted - gritó
shoes - zapatos
sacks - sacos
public - público
pints - pintas
ourselves - nosotros mismos
night - noche
quite - bastante
nailed - clavado
minutes - minutos
mighty - poderoso
maria - maria
chalky - gredoso
crash - choque
drunk - borracho
paralytic -
friends - amigos
cellar - bodega
curse - maldición
queer - queer
playing - jugando
drowned - ahogue
caught - atrapado
burned - quemado
below - abajo
ghost - fantasma
stout - cerveza negra
began - empezó
almost - casi
clods - terrones
caved - cavado
grand - grandioso
buggered - enredado
closes - cierra
drunken - borracho
scream - gritar
mariah - maria
allowed - permitido
drinking - bebida
benedictine - benedictino
guinness - guinness
hanging - colgando
vicar - vicario
bloody - sangriento
bleary - nublado
pissed - molesto
could - podría
firemen - bomberos
started - empezado
follow - seguir
brown - marrón
raised - elevado
knocks - golpes
blind - ciego
somebody - alguien
booze - bebida alcohólica
cried - llorado
everybody - todos
fireman - bombero
something - alguna cosa
inside - dentro
walked - caminado
floor - piso
socks - calcetines
place - lugar
heathen - pagano
drank - bebió
gotta - tengo que
church - iglesia
cards - tarjetas
heads - cabezas
while - mientras
likewise - igualmente
local - local
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