I was crawling through a festival way out west

i was thinking about love and the acid test

but first i got real dizzy with a real rockin' gang

then i saw the coma girl, and the excitement gang

and the rain came in from the wide blue yonder

through all the stages, i wandered

oh coma girl, and the excitment gang

mona lisa, on a motorcylce gang

coma girl, coma girl

The coma girl was beating with the oil drum gang

wandered - deambular
wander - deambular
waling - waling
through - mediante
thought - pensamiento
thinking - pensando
their - su
stages - etapas
yonder - allá
somebody - alguien
siphon - sifón
about - acerca de
first - primero
dizzy - mareado
desolation - soledad
crawling - rastreo
beating - paliza
festival - festival
burning - ardiente
scene - escena
drums - batería
excitement - emoción
everybody - todos
burger - hamburguesa
excitment - excitación
falling - que cae
outlaw - proscrito
fanatic - fanático
sprang - saltó
might - podría
nineteenth - decimonoveno
action - acción
motorcycle - motocicleta
nobody - nadie

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