I wonder who you think you are

You damn well think you're God or something

God give life, God take it away, not you

I think you are the devil itself

If hospitals cure

Then prisons must bring their pain

Don't be ashamed to slaughter

The centre of humanity is cruelty

There is never redemption

Any fool can regret yesterday

Nail it to the House of Lords

You will be buried in the same box as a killer, as a killer, as a


A drained white body hangs from the gallows

Is more righteous than Hindley's crotchet lectures

Pain not penance, forget martyrs, remember victims

The weak die young and right now we crouch to make them strong

white - blanco
think - pensar
their - su
sterilise - esterilizar
wonder - preguntarse
slaughter - sacrificio
saying - diciendo
righteous - justo
holes - agujeros
deserve - merecer
strong - fuerte
forget - olvidar
hospitals - hospitales
vessel - buque
ireland - Irlanda
dahmer - dahmer
yesterday - ayer
horses - caballos
brady - brady
gallows - horca
ashamed - avergonzado
hangs - cuelga
bloody - sangriento
bring - traer
death - muerte
peace - paz
victims - víctimas
there - ahí
centre - centrar
chains - cadenas
cruelty - crueldad
buried - enterrado
needed - necesario
something - alguna cosa
execution - ejecución
devil - diablo
lords - señores
preach - predicar
drained - agotado
pickles - pepinillos
crouch - agacharse
itself - sí mismo
blanche - blanche
house - casa
world - mundo
regret - lamentar
right - derecho
humanity - humanidad
torso - torso
punish - castigar
killer - asesino
themselves - sí mismos
killers - asesinos
makes - hace
lectures - conferencias
martyrs - mártires
extinction - extinción
rapists - violadores
young - joven
never - nunca
respect - el respeto
penance - penitencia
prisons - prisiones
redemption - redención
remember - recuerda

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