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Miracle of Sound - KEEPERS - 'Seven: The Days Long Gone' Officia.. traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

KEEPERS - 'Seven: The Days Long Gone' Officia.. - Miracle of Sound

palabras a estudiar

Weve been sown, grown here on the soil

With roots that burrow deep

Weve been long left, but edges of the coil now

Closer ever creep

Elders, tellers, keepers of the bygone

Treasures of the dirt

Brush and string we and scribble and we sing

And dig for the annals of the earth

And we try try try

To keep a little beauty in the world

All that died died died

We keep it in our hands

In their dark clouds, blackening the sun

They came down to the shores

Motors hard, loud

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