Little Sophia Strange in ‘73

Her daddy’s yelling tirades at the TV

Hey man be cool!!

Sweeping the screen - rebel freak with a twist

A skinny genie come to grant her a wish

Changes the rules

He’s a real pretty thing!

But now she looks to the stars

Oh with an ache in her heart

For now the man who rocked the world

Is going home

She’s reaching up for a song

Oh but the music is gone

For the man who rocked the world

Is going home

Big Johnny Butterfingers in ‘81

Searchin the discos for that special someone

It gets so tough

yelling - gritante
wanna - quiere
under - debajo
twist - giro
tough - difícil
trail - sendero
thing - cosa
sweeping - barrido
stranger - desconocido
lesson - lección
johnny - johnny
rocked - mecido
gangly - desgarbado
freak - monstruo
feelin - sintiendo
through - mediante
little - pequeño
tonight - esta noche
flyin - volar en
because - porque
genie - genio
butterfingers - torpe
laser - láser
dance - baile
black - negro
deranged - trastornado
changes - cambios
music - música
blasting - voladura
daddy - papi
dancin - dancin
discos - discotecas
pretty - bonita
pressure - presión
looks - mira
world - mundo
outside - fuera de
reaching - alcanzando
stuff - cosas
strange - extraño
rebel - rebelde
riding - equitación
seems - parece
geeky - geek
grant - conceder
lights - luces
right - derecho
heart - corazón
rules - reglas
screen - pantalla
skinny - flaco
special - especial
going - yendo
magic - magia
spaceman - astronauta
smiling - sonriente
someone - alguien
sophia - sophia
stars - estrellas
stardust - polvo de estrellas

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