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Razorlight - Los Angeles Waltz traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Los Angeles Waltz - Razorlight

palabras a estudiar

I've been sitting here patiently

I've been talking too myself

Trying to shake that sinking feeling

Wishing I was somebody else

And I know it's not easy

When you don't get what you deserve

You can say that you love me

But that's not what I've heard

Tonight in L.A

Tonight in L.A

Well it's got to be that way

Tonight in L.A

Maybe ill get right out of here

On the way back to Turnpike Lane

Find me a girl that can calm me right down

It's been such a fucked up year

And I know it's not easy

When you don't get what you deserve

You can say that you love me

But that's not what I've heard

Tonight in L.A

Tonight in L.A

Well it's got to be that way

Tonight in L.A

Maybe ill get myself together

Or fall to pieces and run back home

Get me a ticket for an airplane

I'm tired of been alone