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Rory Gallagher - A Million Miles Away traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

A Million Miles Away - Rory Gallagher

palabras a estudiar

This hotel bar is full of people,

The piano man is really laying it down,

The old bartender is as high as a steeple,

So why tonight should I wear a frown?

The joint is jumpin' all around me,

And my mood is really not in style,

Right now the blues flock to surround me,

But I'll break out after a while.

Yes I'm a million miles away,

I'm a million miles away,

I'm sailing like a driftwood,

On a windy bay,

On a windy bay.

I'm a million miles away,

I'm a million miles away,

But I'm sailing like a driftwood,

On a windy bay,