Number nine out of eleven little litter mates,

rotten apples all the way.

Litter mates all with different faiths,

taught them almost all I knew.

And now the best, the brightest,

number nine of eleven little litter mates,

feeling low, my ace after my home

In the bright daylight, little number nine,

dressed to kill much like me.

Takes a look at the free world behind the gate,

of the castle and this cage,

I leave the base, the night awaits,

Men are well-hidden for the litter mate.

He played it all but one (One by one)

Eleven little litter mates,

only number nine's not in sight.

Hiding for the moonlight, it's the day

Kisses burn their paper-thin wings away.

wishing - deseando
weakness - debilidad
vision - visión
until - hasta
untied - desatado
twisted - retorcido
turned - convertido
trailing - arrastrando
timely - oportuno
things - cosas
telling - narración
taught - enseñó
takes - toma
someone - alguien
sight - visión
running - corriendo
unknown - desconocido
overruled - anulado
restless - inquieto
number - número
night - noche
needle - aguja
music - música
pagan - pagano
different - diferente
around - alrededor
death - muerte
impaired - dañado
cathedral - catedral
castle - castillo
world - mundo
dream - sueño
essence - esencia
bright - brillante
trusting - confiando
sincere - sincero
clear - claro
almost - casi
touch - toque
paper - papel
litter - camada
after - después
about - acerca de
black - negro
drank - bebió
apples - manzanas
without - sin
awaits - aguarda
dressed - vestido
played - jugó
drown - ahogar
brightest - más brillante
little - pequeño
cheat - engañar
behind - detrás
wings - alas
faiths - fe
feeling - sensación
stranger - desconocido
fidelity - fidelidad
worst - peor
locks - cabellos
flame - llama
greatest - mayor
making - fabricación
heart - corazón
daylight - luz
eleven - once
hidden - oculto
hiding - ocultación
their - su
anyone - nadie
juice - jugo
poison - veneno
kisses - besos
leave - salir
rotten - podrido
locked - bloqueado
truth - verdad
break - descanso
loveless - sin amor
mates - compañeros
mistakes - errores
moonlight - luz de la luna

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