They've decided to own the world tonight,

create the standard, now roll the reel.

Ambush the poor, take what they have,

to create a warlike feel.

Turn the page!

One vision, resolution.

Friends and allies, easy come.

The golden moments, our lifestyle,

depends on your children.

We're doomed if the war is over, all is lost.

Down the drain, keep fingers crossed.

Hope the world forgets or the world forgives.

Charm their minds and hearts once more, for me.

Use the time in the public eye!

"How we love you so!"

Now people, you should know, who's your foe.

Who's your friend, your enemy?

The enemy!

"Yes, you are needed, so badly wanted.

If we wish to live in peace,

we need to fight, it demands a sacrifice."

New blood is gathered, donations needed.

Every day, one soul away of your fulfillment, the necessity.

Unplug the damaged toys, all amputated souls.

For everything is over for them, we cannot

Use a man who's lost a hand,

would - haría
washed - lavado
warlike - belicoso
unplug - desenchufar
together - juntos
wheels - ruedas
still - todavía
standard - estándar
stand - estar
souls - almas
single - soltero
signed - firmado
excavated - excavado
everything - todo
every - jeder
doomed - condenado
where - dónde
future - futuro
depends - depende
power - poder
damaged - dañado
wonder - preguntarse
command - mando
their - su
follow - seguir
people - gente
concealed - excusado
children - niños
things - cosas
charm - encanto
cannot - no poder
crossed - cruzado
forgives - perdona
drowning - ahogo
babies - criaturas
alone - solo
moments - momentos
decided - decidido
world - mundo
oiling - olejowanie
proclaim - proclamar
ambush - emboscada
created - creado
fulfillment - cumplimiento
three - tres
donations - donaciones
white - blanco
clean - limpiar
wanted - querido
fighting - lucha
allies - aliados
badly - mal
almighty - todopoderoso
friend - amigo
balls - bolas
create - crear
enemy - enemigo
lines - líneas
animated - animado
chain - cadena
behind - detrás
blood - sangre
minds - mentes
bones - huesos
lacks - carece de
amputated - amputado
private - privado
defeat - derrota
beast - bestia
bullets - balas
righteous - justo
buried - enterrado
burning - ardiente
always - siempre
friends - amigos
black - negro
golden - dorado
vision - visión
change - cambio
fields - campos
tonight - esta noche
papers - papeles
lucky - suerte
earth - tierra
necessity - necesidad
fight - lucha
resolution - [object Object]
flower - flor
forever - siempre
sacrifice - sacrificio
creed - credo
forgets - olvida
privileged - privilegiado
gathered - reunido
given - dado
fingers - dedos
ground - suelo
hearts - copas
heirs - herederos
against - en contra

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