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Take That - Happy Now traducción en Español (haciendo clic)

Happy Now - Take That

palabras a estudiar

I get the feeling that we are being lied to,

There's a surge in my psychosis every turn of the screw

And I'm half awake in paisley print.

I can see the world clearly but I have to squint.

I am a supersonic specimen.

A minor miracle of medicine

I'm at the mercy of unwanted emotions.

Where nothing matters, beneath my thoughts

Beneath my thoughts is where it happens.

Super heavy elements, Embrace me

Super heavy elements, replace me

Was it a positive experiment?

To be indefinitely decadent

And they checked my pulse and it gave them hope

That there was no truth to what was wrote

Give me half as much but twice as fast today

Might slip away

I feel myself falling

I'm feeling happy now,

I feel myself falling

I'm feeling happy now

I feel myself falling