A distant night bird mocks the sun

I wake as I have always done

To freshly scented sycamore

And cold bare feet on hardwood floor

My steaming coffee warms my face

I'm diappointed in the taste

world - mundo
today - hoy
steaming - humeante
sleep - dormir
shadow - sombra
early - temprano
taste - gusto
distant - distante
morning - mañana
coffee - café
firelight - luz de fuego
disappear - desaparecer
brings - trae
mocks - burla
drink - beber
moments - momentos
again - de nuevo
watch - reloj
things - cosas
alone - solo
floor - piso
scented - perfumado
warms - aquece
tonight - esta noche
forever - siempre
freshly - 新鮮
growing - creciente
sycamore - sicomoro
hardwood - madera dura
hurry - prisa
always - siempre
night - noche
peace - paz

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