With his fool's gold stacked up all around him

From a killing in the market on the war

The children left King Midas there, as they found him

In his counting house where nothing counts but more

And he thought he heard the echo of a penny whistle band

And the laughter from a distant caravan

And the brightly painted line of circus wagons in the sand

Fading through the door into summer

travel - viajar
wagons - vagones
tears - lágrimas
stacked - apilado
through - mediante
score - puntuación
trade - comercio
places - lugares
penny - centavo
every - jeder
whistle - silbar
fading - desvanecimiento
where - dónde
thought - pensamiento
keeping - acuerdo
there - ahí
distant - distante
counts - cuenta
counting - contando
around - alrededor
painted - pintado
children - niños
caravan - caravana
circus - circo
laughter - risa
brightly - brillantemente
summer - verano
cannot - no poder
found - encontró
finds - encuentra
heard - oído
killing - asesinato
house - casa
market - mercado
midas - Midas
nothing - nada

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