Oh my name is Jock Stewart

I'm a canny gun man

And a roving young fellow I've been

So be easy and free

When you're drinking with me

I'm a man you don't meet every day

I have acres of land

I have men at command

I have always a shilling to spare

So be easy and free

When you're drinking with me

I'm a man you don't meet every day

So come fill up your glasses

Of brandy and wine

Whatever it costs I will pay

So be easy and free

When you're drinking with me

I'm a man you don't meet every day

Well I took out my dog

young - joven
written - escrito
whatever - lo que sea
verse - verso
fisher - pescador
fellow - compañero
shortened - acortado
drinking - bebida
father - padre
essentially - esencialmente
version - versión
roving - errabundo
third - tercero
drinkin - bebiendo
county - condado
command - mando
always - siempre
claimed - reclamado
alternatively - alternativamente
together - juntos
costs - costos
sodomy - sodomía
acres - hectáreas
lyrics - letra
appear - aparecer
catch - captura
river - río
trade - comercio
blade - espada
glasses - gafas
every - jeder
jeannie - jeannie
share - compartir
hours - horas
canny - astuto
modified - [object Object]
ballad - balada
slightly - ligeramente
minutes - minutos
archie - archie
narrative - narrativa
irish - irlandesa
stewarts - stewarts
shilling - chelín
piper - gaitero
spare - de repuesto
stewart - stewart
brandy - brandy
shoot - disparar
singing - canto
these - estas

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