McCormack and Richard Tauber are singing by the bed

There's a glass of punch below your feet and an angel at your head

There's devils on each side of you with bottles in their hands

You need one more drop of poison and you'll dream of foreign lands

When you pissed yourself in Frankfurt and got syph down in Cologne

And you heard the rattling death trains as you lay there all alone

Frank Ryan brought you whiskey in a brothel in Madrid

And you decked some fucking blackshirt who was cursing all the Yids

At the sick bed of Cuchulainn we'll kneel and say a prayer

And the ghosts are rattling at the door and the devil's in the chair

yourself - tú mismo
whiskey - whisky
walked - caminado
trains - trenes
there - ahí
their - su
tavern - taberna
street - calle
stick - palo
singing - canto
shout - gritar
richard - ricardo
punch - puñetazo
prayer - oración
poison - veneno
plate - plato
pissed - molesto
spewed - arrojado
cursing - maldecir
service - servicio
midnight - medianoche
angel - ángel
chair - silla
brought - trajo
graveside - sepultura
drunken - borracho
brothel - burdel
church - iglesia
rattling - muy
button - botón
shove - empujón
bolted - atornillado
alone - solo
fucking - maldito
lands - tierras
decked - cubierto
liberty - libertad
another - otro
screamed - gritó
bastards - bastardos
banshees - banshees
death - muerte
brains - sesos
devils - diablos
again - de nuevo
around - alrededor
below - abajo
bottles - botellas
dream - sueño
dropped - caído
windows - ventanas
euston -
evening - noche
ground - suelo
foreign - exterior
cologne - Colonia
frank - franco
round - redondo
frankfurt - frankfurt
heard - oído
ghosts - fantasmas
billy - porra
glass - vaso
hands - manos
through - mediante
heaven - cielo
blacks - negros
jocks - deportistas
remember - recuerda
kicked - golpeado
madrid - Madrid
kneel - arrodillarse
lurch - estacada

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