Watch out you might get what you're after

Cool babies strange but not a stranger

I'm an ordinary guy

Burning down the house

Hold tight wait till the party's over

Hold tight we're in for nasty weather

There has got to be a way

Burning down the house

Here's your ticket pack your bag: time for jumpin' overboard

The transportations here

Close enough but not too far, maybe you know where you are

where - dónde
weather - clima
place - lugar
nasty - asqueroso
myself - mí mismo
sweep - barrer
fighting - lucha
burning - ardiente
means - medio
expect - esperar
broad - ancho
enough - Suficiente
after - después
gonna - va a
stuck - atascado
might - podría
dreams - sueños
babies - criaturas
watch - reloj
overboard - al agua
something - alguna cosa
listen - escucha
burst - ráfaga
close - cerca
sometimes - a veces
walking - para caminar
first - primero
house - casa
tight - apretado
everythings - todas las cosas
their - su
three - tres
daylight - luz
together - juntos
nobody - nadie
flame - llama
visible - visible
nothing - nada
ordinary - ordinario
people - gente
shakedown - chantaje
raincoat - impermeable
starring - protagonizando
stranger - desconocido
strange - extraño
support - apoyo
there - ahí
maybe - tal vez
ticket - boleto

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