little black girl in a red dress

on a hothight with a broken shoe

little black girl you shoulde never left home

theres probly someone thats still waitin' up for you

its cold back in chicago

but in los angles its worse

when all you got is $29.00 and an alligator purse

i see already that vulture in the fleetwood

with the startruse hood

can see you're trying to get you bearrings

and you say hey which ways the main stem

and where ever you say you're from

he'll say he grew up there himself

and he'll comeon and make you feel

like you grew up right next door to him

and you say take a left on a central

and he trows it in reverse

cause you only got $29.00 and an alligator purse

and he'll come on like a gentleman

worse - peor
which - cual
where - dónde
wasting - debilitante
vulture - buitre
trying - molesto
track - pista
theres - hay
there - ahí
thats - eso es
sweetheart - novio
cause - porque
figure - figura
scene - escena
fleetwood - Fleetwood
fortunate - afortunado
coffee - café
could - podría
little - pequeño
central - central
crime - crimen
right - derecho
whispered - susurrado
always - siempre
angles - anglos
doctor - doctor
reverse - marcha atrás
couldnt - no pudo
movie - película
already - ya
alive - viva
alligator - caimán
chicago - chicago
black - negro
thing - cosa
cadillac - cadillac
catch - captura
lucky - suerte
happend - ocurrió
player - jugador
dress - vestir
gentleman - hidalgo
himself - él mismo
hollywood - hollywood
blood - sangre
honey - miel
hotel - hotel
broken - roto
stars - estrellas
never - nunca
someone - alguien
purse - bolso
joint - articulación
nurse - enfermera
samaritan - samaritano
seems - parece
start - comienzo
sirens - sirenas
still - todavía

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