He's got himself a homemade special
You know his glass is full of sand
And it feels just like a jaybird
The way it fits into his hand
He rolled a blade up in his trick towel
They slap their hands against the wall
You never trip, you never stumble
He's walking spanish down the hall
Slim him a picture of our Jesus
Or give him a spoon to dig a hole
What all he done ain't no one's business
But he'll need blankets for the cold
would - haría
walking - para caminar
tried - intentó
glass - vaso
every - jeder
dawes - dawes
hands - manos
blade - espada
baker - panadero
leaving - dejando
hoodwinked - engañado
jesus - Jesús
feels - siente
business - negocio
spanish - español
homemade - hecho en casa
goodbye - adiós
spoon - cuchara
lights - luces
right - derecho
machine - máquina
blankets - mantas
broadway - Broadway
looks - mira
against - en contra
bowed - encorvado
laundry - lavandería
special - especial
blind - ciego
watch - reloj
carved - tallado
little - pequeño
jaybird - jaybird
mason - masón
himself - él mismo
morning - mañana
never - nunca
picture - imagen
rings - anillos
wanted - querido
pilate - Pilato
rolled - arrollado
early - temprano
screeching - chirrido
stumble - tropezón
their - su
tomorrow - mañana
broke - rompió
somewhere - algun lado
towel - toalla
whispered - susurrado
trick - truco
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