They say stay in your lane boy, lane boy
But we go where we want to
They think this thing is a highway, highway
But will they be alive tomorrow?
They think this thing is a highway
If it was our way
We'd have a tempo change every other time change
Cause our minds change on what we think is good
I wasn't raised in the hood
But I know a thing or two about pain and darkness
If it wasn't for this music, I don't know how I would've fought this
Regardless, all these songs I'm hearing are so heartless
Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless
Honest, there's a few songs on this record that feel common
I'm in constant confrontation with what I want and what is poppin'
In the industry it seems to me that singles on the radio are currency
My creativity is on the free when I'm playin' shows
They say stay in your lane boy, lane boy
But we go where we want to
They think this thing is a highway, highway
would - haría
where - dónde
vanity - vanidad
trust - confianza
track - pista
tomorrow - mañana
thing - cosa
these - estas
tempo - tempo
songs - canciones
singles - individual
forget - olvidar
flawless - perfecto
every - jeder
currency - moneda
industry - industria
record - grabar
confrontation - confrontación
hazmat - hazmat
wants - quiere
think - pensar
constant - constante
regardless - independientemente
morality - moralidad
exist - existe
someone - alguien
fought - luchado
creativity - creatividad
salary - salario
between - entre
highway - autopista
calvary - calvario
gonna - va a
brother - hermano
darkness - oscuridad
cause - porque
alive - viva
likes - gustos
change - cambio
common - común
sorry - lo siento
seems - parece
perfect - perfecto
heartless - cruel
honest - honesto
another - otro
minds - mentes
music - música
about - acerca de
other - otro
person - persona
shows - muestra
question - pregunta
radio - radio
asked - preguntó
problem - problema
raised - elevado
hearing - audición
scared - asustado
really - de verdad
sanity - cordura
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