Good evening Ladies and Gentleman I'm Niah Pitson I'm standing in front of the historic Manns chinese theatre where thousands literally thousands of fans, journalists and well wishers have gathered merely to catch a glimpse of the artists formerly known as fresh prince. This album premiere marks Will Smith's return to the world of rap. The long awaited album entitled Big Willie Style has broken sales records everywhere from Bangkok to Madagaskar as we all anxiously await the arrival of the man himself. Oh wait a minute judging from the stir of the crowd yes he's arrived Ladies and gentleman Will Smith has arrived Will Will hey Will real brothers hey whats up man how you doing

I'm Keith B Real from Keep it Real radio and founding editor of Keep it Real magazine and motivational tapes we practice what we preach here brother and that is Keeping it Real. Now Will let me ask you something do you think that you make quote unquote real rap music cause I ain't never seen no Wu dancing wit no singing alien keep it real

Well brother I like to have a good time have fun with the music that I make you know let people have fun

world - mundo
willie - willie
years - años
unquote - unquote
thousands - miles
these - estas
tapes - cintas
wishers - deseos
table - mesa
standing - en pie
style - estilo
sorry - lo siento
smith - [object Object]
saved - salvado
return - regreso
sales - ventas
radio - radio
quote - citar
question - pregunta
singing - canto
prince - príncipe
preach - predicar
practice - práctica
people - gente
music - música
think - pensar
motivational - motivacional
minute - minuto
records - archivos
marks - marcas
dancing - bailando
catch - captura
formerly - antes
another - otro
brother - hermano
arrival - llegada
anxiously - ansiosamente
charlie - charlie
never - nunca
broken - roto
whats - que es
arrived - llegado
gathered - reunido
ladies - señoras
journalists - periodistas
await - esperar
doing - obra
album - álbum
chinese - chino
where - dónde
alien - extraterrestre
glimpse - vislumbrar
merely - simplemente
magazine - revista
artists - artistas
escort - escolta
brothers - hermanos
evening - noche
awaited - esperado
editor - [object Object]
front - frente
entitled - intitulado
bangkok - bangkok
everybody - todos
theatre - teatro
literally - literalmente
fresh - fresco
times - veces
founding - establecimiento
gentleman - hidalgo
himself - él mismo
keith - keith
premiere - estreno
cause - porque
anyway - de todas formas
historic - histórico
keeping - acuerdo
something - alguna cosa
inside - dentro
crowd - multitud
complex - complejo
judging - juzgar
everywhere - en todos lados
known - conocido

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