They said the sky is the limit
Well I guess it all depends on you
And your views
In this American dream
Don't tell me that the sky is the limit
Cause it ain't about what you can do
It's a who knows who
In this American dream
Okay you got criminals everywhere, right?
Criminals smugglin' dope across borders to feed America's high appetite
Kis, pounds, ounces, grams, whatever the weight of substance is gettin' sold
Cause drugs got a price
Home hydroponics, LSD chemist
Spoon cookin' heroine, junkies fill up methadone clinics
Get caught for crack and catch a long sentence
You ask me how I feel about that, maybe you got the wrong witness
I heard Jay Z's cool with Obama
Obama must be cool with me then I guess if I'm packin' up this Honda
I highly doubt it but fuck it, it's worth a shout out
At least that's what I tell the judge before I gracefully bowed out
Meanwhile I'm gettin' taken to the county for a seed
There's a news flash on the holdin' cell TV
Boston bombed by a terrorist at a marathon
8 year old killed and the killer's still free
yours - tuya
would - haría
worth - valor
whens - cuando es
whatever - lo que sea
views - puntos de vista
white - blanco
value - valor
vatican - Vaticano
ultimately - por último
truth - verdad
taken - tomado
store - almacenar
still - todavía
smoke - fumar
skillet - sartén
shook - sacudió
shire - condado
spoon - cuchara
share - compartir
savvy - comprensión
right - derecho
retired - retirado
wrong - incorrecto
substance - sustancia
reminisce - recordar viejas historias
remember - recuerda
sentence - frase
record - grabar
while - mientras
raised - elevado
drugs - drogas
dreams - sueños
moonshine - luz de la luna
today - hoy
doubt - duda
criminals - criminales
witness - testigo
obama - obama
create - crear
trust - confianza
these - estas
lines - líneas
sipped - bebido
davidson - davidson
across - a través de
dream - sueño
corners - esquinas
bills - facturas
killed - delicado
music - música
average - promedio
flash - destello
justin - justin
judge - juez
bowed - encorvado
chair - silla
politically - políticamente
quarters - cuarteles
appetite - apetito
catch - captura
preach - predicar
about - acerca de
black - negro
signed - firmado
booked - reservado
cause - porque
homemade - hecho en casa
writes - escribe
crime - crimen
citizen - ciudadano
apply - aplicar
police - policía
bombed - bombardeado
allowed - permitido
fought - luchado
believe - creer
cancer - cáncer
could - podría
borders - fronteras
cried - llorado
before - antes de
boston - bostón
where - dónde
great - estupendo
crops - cosechas
hospital - hospital
bucket - cangilón
chemist - químico
shout - gritar
american - americano
casket - ataúd
stick - palo
crook - ladrón
everywhere - en todos lados
heritage - patrimonio
grams - gramos
worked - trabajó
least - menos
grandparents - abuelos
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