Watch winter melt away
Look for longer days the sun comes out
Come up from underground
Stop covering your eyes
Wasting precious time on yesterdays
It’s written on your face
But you’ve got time
You’ve got time
Change comes for you even if you’re hiding out
So wake to this truth and maybe you’ll believe me now
Whatever lies ahead
The things that we have said will slowly fade
yesterdays -
written - escrito
wrestle - luchar
winter - invierno
where - dónde
whatever - lo que sea
wasting - debilitante
truth - verdad
place - lugar
nothing - nada
slowly - despacio
hiding - ocultación
illusions - ilusiones
underground - subterráneo
darkness - oscuridad
covering - cubierta
believe - creer
maybe - tal vez
remain - permanecer
change - cambio
belonged - pertenecido
ahead - adelante
watch - reloj
things - cosas
light - ligero
still - todavía
comes - proviene
always - siempre
longer - más
precious - precioso
safety - la seguridad
right - derecho
there - ahí
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