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Charlie Wilson's War - Another Broken Window (Es)

Escena de la película La guerra de Charlie Wilson
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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    Okay. l know it was difficult
    for you to come in here, hat in hand.

    That's not the kind
    of upbringing,

    I guess, is the word
    I'm looking for.

    It's not the kind of man
    you are. I understand that.

    I'm not looking to humiliate you
    or exact a price in any way,

    so why don't you
    just apologize?

    We'll call it water under the dam, and we'll go
    about our business.

    Excuse me,
    what the fuck?

    - What?
    - What the fuck are you talking about?

    Clair George said you
    were coming in here to apologize.

    No, I'm supposed to come
    in here so you could apologize to me.

    - According to whom?
    - Clair George.

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