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Carl, we're staying
with the same menu, right?
I have something really good
planned for tonight.
It's not sweetbreads. You're
gonna be able to taste it.
That may be true, but we
have the most reservations
we've had on a work night since
we opened, you realize that?
I know, I was on Twitter.
I was promoting
the restaurant.
- What?
- I was on Twitter.
Yeah, that's another thing.
From now on before
you post anything online,
I okay it
All right?
The whole reason
everybody's here tonight
is because I called out
Ramsey Michel online
and they're all coming to
watch me stick it in his ass.
Yeah, and you're gonna Twitter
an apology for calling
the most respected critic
in Los Angeles an...
I'm not gonna...
apologize to that guy.
- What do you mean...
- Did you see what he wrote about me?
- I don't give a...what he wrote about you!
- He started it!
I don't care. You're a cook.
You're a chef.
This is what you've been cooking
for years and it works.
And either you
cook the menu
that our customers
have come to...
You want me to
cook the same food?
- The same exact...
- The same food that he ripped apart?
The same guy
who's coming tonight?
The restaurant isn't
filled with critics.
It's filled with people
that have been eating your food
for the last 10 years!
So, now suddenly
you're gonna be an artist.
Well, be an artist
on your own time.
- Listen to me...
- No sweetbreads!
- Listen!
- No calves' brains.
- I'm not cooking sweetbreads!
Listen to me.
The kitchen is my domain.
That was our deal.
I don't give a ...
what the deal was!
The deal
is now changed.
Either you stay
or you go.
It's up to you.
End of discussion.
years - años
wrote - escribió
whole - todo
tonight - esta noche
thing - cosa
taste - gusto
sweetbreads - mollejas
suddenly - repentinamente
stick - palo
staying - quedarse
cooking - cocina
before - antes de
critic - crítico
another - otro
works - trabajos
critics - críticos
ramsey - ramsey
because - porque
coming - viniendo
changed - cambiado
called - llamado
calling - vocación
about - acerca de
eating - comiendo
opened - abrió
brains - sesos
promoting - promoviendo
gonna - va a
listen - escucha
angeles - [object Object]
anything - cualquier cosa
apologize - pedir disculpas
artist - artista
filled - lleno
restaurant - restaurante
customers - clientes
discussion - discusión
either - ya sea
kitchen - cocina
michel - michel
domain - dominio
night - noche
twitter - gorjeo
online - en línea
started - empezado
people - gente
planned - planificado
realize - darse cuenta de
reservations - reservas
apart - aparte
really - de verdad
reason - razón
respected - respetado
right - derecho
ripped - rasgado
apology - disculpa
exact - exacto
since - ya que
watch - reloj
something - alguna cosa
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