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It's from Jan.
I knew it was gonna be a girl.
I can't believe it.
It's a girl!
All right,
good on you!
When's she due?
Mid-July, as soon
as I get back.
You better
sleep now, buddy.
Yeah, that's true.
Hey, Rob.
Jan doesn't mind
you being here?
Krakauer's sword
is unleashed.
It's okay. Jan's a climber, Jon,
she gets it.
- Yeah!
- Cheers, Helen.
What about you, Doug?
What about your wife?
Oh, she's been fine with it,
ever since we divorced.
She's been great
with everything.
I'm so sorry, buddy.
No, no, no, I ask
because Peach said to me,
"if you climb one more mountain,
I will divorce you."
And then you went ahead
and then booked this trip!
No, no, no, the worst,
the worst part of it
is that I-I kind of
forgot to tell her.
I forgot to
tell her, I did.
All right. It's all
on the table, here.
It hurts, it's dangerous,
it destroys relationships,
it's costing you
all a small fortune.
I gotta ask the question,
you know I do. Why?
It's there!
Thank you, Mr. Mallory.
- Come on.
- Guys, I'm, I'm serious.
Yasuko. Why are you
climbing Everest?
I'm 47 years old,
I have reached six of
the seven summits, so...
Of course, now I have
to reach the seventh.
That's not an answer.
No. Why any summit?
- Come on, tell 'em about the kids.
- What?
Tell 'em about the kids.
You have kids?
Yeah, I have kids,
but, I thought I told you,
there's an elementary school,
back home.
And I've been going
and talking to the kids there
and they actually helped me raise
some of the money to come and...
gave me a flag
to plant on the summit, and...
So, I was thinking,
maybe it's...
They see a
regular guy can,
you know, follow
impossible dreams,
maybe they'll be inspired
to do the same, I guess.
I'm climbing Mount Everest
because I can.
Because to be able
to climb that high
and see that kind of beauty
that nobody ever sees,
it'd be a crime not to.
Hear, hear, Dougie.
- There you go.
- I like that.
unleashed - soltado
thought - pensamiento
table - mesa
sword - espada
sorry - lo siento
since - ya que
serious - grave
relationships - relaciones
regular - regular
raise - aumento
there - ahí
school - colegio
question - pregunta
summit - cumbre
plant - planta
divorce - divorcio
everest - Everest
destroys - destruye
great - estupendo
small - pequeña
peach - melocotón
costing - costeo
talking - hablando
about - acerca de
dougie - dougie
course - curso
follow - seguir
right - derecho
crime - crimen
actually - actualmente
forgot - olvidó
nobody - nadie
years - años
seven - siete
dangerous - peligroso
cheers - aclamaciones
mallory - mallory
divorced - divorciado
worst - peor
ahead - adelante
buddy - compañero
mountain - montaña
answer - responder
reach - alcanzar
being - siendo
climber - trepador
maybe - tal vez
better - mejor
impossible - imposible
beauty - belleza
seventh - séptimo
everything - todo
because - porque
believe - creer
booked - reservado
thinking - pensando
elementary - elemental
dreams - sueños
fortune - fortuna
climb - escalada
going - yendo
sleep - dormir
gonna - va a
gotta - tengo que
summits - cumbres
reached - alcanzado
mount - montar
guess - adivinar
yasuko - Yasuko
climbing - alpinismo
helen - helen
helped - ayudado
hurts - duele
inspired - inspirado
thank - gracias
money - dinero
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