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Head of State - Dress for the Job You Want (Es)

Escena de la película De incompetente a presidente
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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    So, baby brother, this is it,
    man. You ready?

    All right, I guess.

    What do you mean you guess? You don't know?
    You either ready or you ain't.

    Problem, man? I'm ready, okay?

    No, you ain't. Look at you.

    If you call this ready,
    this ain't won't get it.

    You gotta dress for the job you want,
    not for the job you got.

    If I got a good idea, it shouldn't matter
    what the hell I'm wearing!

    You know you messed up, man.

    I'm telling you right now.

    Lewis ain't no punk. He ain't no joke.

    That man has been Vice President
    for eight years.

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