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My name is
Lieutenant Aldo Raine.
And I'm putting together a special
team, and I need me eight soldiers.
Eight Jewish
American soldiers.
Now, you all might've heard rumors
about the armada happening soon.
Well, we'll be leaving
a little earlier.
We're going to be dropped into
France dressed as civilians.
Once we're
in enemy territory,
as a bushwhacking
guerrilla army,
we're going to be doing one
thing and one thing only.
Killing Nazis.
I don't know
about you all, but...
I sure as hell didn't come down
from the goddamn Smoky Mountains,
cross 5 thousand miles of water,
fight my way through half of Sicily
and jump out of a fucking airplane to
teach the Nazis lessons in humanity.
Nazi ain't got no humanity.
They're the foot soldiers of a
Jew-hating, mass-murdering maniac
and they need
to be destroyed.
That's why any and every son of a
bitch we find wearing a Nazi uniform,
they're going to die.
Now, I'm the direct descendent
of the mountain man Jim Bridger.
That means I got
a little Indian in me.
And our battle plan will be
that of an Apache resistance.
We will be cruel
to the Germans.
And through our cruelty,
they will know who we are.
And they will find
the evidence of our cruelty
in the disemboweled,
and disfigured bodies of their
brothers we leave behind us.
And the German won't be able
to help themselves
but imagine the cruelty their
brothers endured at our hands,
and our boot heels
and the edge of our knives.
And the German
will be sickened by us.
And the German
will talk about us.
And the German
will fear us.
And when the German
closes their eyes at night
and they're tortured by their
subconscious for the evil they have done,
it will be with thoughts of us
that they are tortured with.
- Sound good?
- Yes, sir!
That's what I like to hear.
But I got a word of warning
for all you would-be warriors.
When you join my command,
you take on debit.
A debit you owe me,
Each and every man under my
command owes me 100 Nazi scalps.
And I want my scalps.
And all y'all will get me 100 Nazi scalps
taken from the heads of 100 dead Nazis.
Or you will die trying!
would - haría
water - agua
guerrilla - guerrilla
heads - cabezas
cruel - cruel
killing - asesinato
evidence - evidencia
together - juntos
enemy - enemigo
endured - soportado
doing - obra
apache - apache
happening - sucediendo
bridger - most
france - Francia
night - noche
smoky - ahumado
goddamn - maldito
warriors - guerreros
destroyed - destruido
battle - batalla
eight - ocho
armada - armada
warning - advertencia
hands - manos
bodies - cuerpos
scalps - cuero cabelludo
knives - cuchillos
germans - alemanes
dropped - caído
maniac - maníaco
every - jeder
cross - cruzar
command - mando
descendent - descendiente
dismembered - desmembrado
lieutenant - teniente
sickened - enfermado
territory - territorio
about - acerca de
going - yendo
earlier - más temprano
little - pequeño
dressed - vestido
through - mediante
american - americano
closes - cierra
fucking - maldito
disfigured - desfigurado
humanity - humanidad
putting - poniendo
behind - detrás
bushwhacking - bushwhacking
bitch - perra
civilians - civiles
leaving - dejando
subconscious - subconsciente
airplane - avión
debit - débito
german - alemán
sound - sonar
disemboweled - destripado
thousand - mil
heard - oído
cruelty - crueldad
heels - talones
rumors - rumores
imagine - imagina
indian - indio
uniform - uniforme
hating - odiando
jewish - judío
leave - salir
raine - Raine
lessons - lecciones
miles - millas
teach - enseñar
fight - lucha
means - medio
mountain - montaña
murdering - asesinar
nazis - nazis
direct - directo
tortured - torturado
personally - personalmente
resistance - resistencia
sicily - Sicilia
wearing - vistiendo
soldiers - soldados
thing - cosa
special - especial
taken - tomado
mountains - montañas
their - su
brothers - hermanos
themselves - sí mismos
thoughts - pensamientos
trying - molesto
under - debajo
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