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Nancy, I thought
you might want your speech.
It's too late.
- No, do you want your speech, Nancy?
- Yes.
OK, good. But just be-be quiet
and let me give it to you, then.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...
and friends
and members of Nancy's family
who I've never met before in my life.
I met a girl today, the wrong girl,
except she turned out
to be the right girl.
And this girl who took a chance on me
in the most bizarre
and romantic way possible
wanted me to take a chance on her,
...I didn't, you know. I didn't.
I blew it,
like a stupid 40-year-old,
mid-life-crisis dickhead that I am.
Which is why I sought help
from old beaus.
Yes, you... not the most reliable
of sources, really. Yeah. Whatever.
But undeterred, I, I commandeered
these brilliant young drunks,
because nothing was gonna stop me
from finding this girl
and telling her what
I should have told her earlier on.
Nancy, I am so bloody glad
you pretended to be my date today,
because, if you hadn't,
then I never would've heard
any of your amazing sex theories
or... watched you trying to get
jalapeno out of your teeth
or witnessed your very instinctive
firewoman skills.
I would never have got to know
that muddy, beautiful triathlete face
or witnessed that awesome,
highly competitive arse
as you were about to get another strike.
In fact, if you hadn't have
pretended to be my date today,
my day would have been utterly rubbish.
And so, quite possibly, would
have been the rest of my life.
Don't make those noises,
I'm right on the edge.
Nancy, you said
I was an emotional jigsaw
and that I should look
for the blue bits.
I think you might be the blue bits,
So what do you say?
Quid pro quo?
What does it say in
Six Billion People and You?
Oh, yeah. Sorry.
Fuck the past.
wanted - querido
undeterred - sin inmutarse
triathlete - Triatleta
whatever - lo que sea
those - aquellos
which - cual
think - pensar
utterly - absolutamente
these - estas
theories - teorías
telling - narración
teeth - dientes
stupid - estúpido
speech - habla
sorry - lo siento
should - debería
right - derecho
watched - mirado
sought - buscado
skills - habilidades
really - de verdad
witnessed - atestiguado
rubbish - basura
emotional - emocional
turned - convertido
trying - molesto
girls - chicas
would - haría
crisis - crisis
noises - ruidos
except - excepto
because - porque
today - hoy
commandeered - requisado
competitive - competitivo
about - acerca de
bloody - sangriento
before - antes de
brilliant - brillante
dickhead - gilipollas
another - otro
billion - mil millones
drunks - borrachos
beaus - beaus
awesome - increíble
nothing - nada
beautiful - hermosa
bizarre - extraño
people - gente
family - familia
earlier - más temprano
members - miembros
possibly - posiblemente
quite - bastante
chance - oportunidad
muddy - fangoso
reliable - de confianza
finding - hallazgo
firewoman - mujer de fuego
gentlemen - caballeros
gonna - va a
strike - huelga
highly - altamente
romantic - romántico
heard - oído
instinctive - instintivo
jalapeno - jalapeño
jigsaw - rompecabezas
thought - pensamiento
sources - [object Object]
ladies - señoras
young - joven
amazing - asombroso
never - nunca
might - podría
nancy - nancy
possible - posible
wrong - incorrecto
friends - amigos
pretended - fingido
quiet - tranquilo
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