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Uptown Girls - You're Workin' For Me! (Es)

Escena de la película Niñera por sorpresa
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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    You missed a spot.

    Isn't doing the dishes what the maid
    is supposed to be for?

    She doesn't know how to dry
    without leaving spots.

    And you don't know how to dry
    without destroying the environment.

    For every single roll
    of paper towels that you waste,

    a tree in the rain forest dies.

    If I'm gonna die of botulism

    from the germs on that gunky
    towel, you tree-loving hippie.

    At least I don't prefer tofu
    to normal hamburgers.

    And I'm not the one who's gonna get
    mad cow disease and go nuts,

    though you don't seem to have
    a brain to fry in the first place.

    Give me that plate.

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