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Pronunciación en inglés de mr


Ejemplos tomados de películas con Mr

Mr. President, I don't believe that's on your agenda today.
Dave - Balancing the Budget
- Uh, the Commerce Department. - Yes, Mr. President?
Dave - Balancing the Budget
Well, let's say my name is Mr. Abbott.
Sneakers - Call to the NSA
Mr. Schwabbe, I'm so glad you're taking care of this.
Valentine's Day - Valentine Gifts
Mr. Truman Capote and Miss Nelle Harper Lee?
Capote - Paying for Compliments
How the hell am I supposed to become this Mr. Sensitive Man?
American Pie - Wild Thing
This case has already been delayed several times, Mr. Reede.
Liar Liar - I Can't Lie!
But Mr. Reede has made it abundantly clear he has no desire
Liar Liar - I Can't Lie!
Mr. Reede. You convinced me yesterday, I'm the victim !
Liar Liar - I Can't Lie!
Did you tell Mr. Duvall who else did it?
Mean Girls - Making Things Right
- Hi, Mr. Reede ! - Whoa! Hey!
Liar Liar - Big Liar
- Hey, Mr. Reede. - Hey... man.
Liar Liar - Big Liar
- Takin' lunch orders, Mr. Reede. Anything ? - No, thanks.
Liar Liar - Big Liar
Mr. McKinley phoned to confirm your meeting tomorrow.
Liar Liar - Big Liar
- What exactly are you a professor of, Mr. Logan? - Art.
X2 - Bobby Comes Out
Mr Hillard, do you consider yourself humorous?
Mrs. Doubtfire - I Do Voices
when you're free of the spell of the elegant Mr. Wilkes.
Gone with the Wind - Scarlett Meets Rhett
-...rifle nuts, peepers-- - Mr. Mayor?
Dirty Harry - That's My Policy
Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Come on, Callahan, let's go.
Dirty Harry - That's My Policy

Pronunciación de Mr

Pronunciación americana

Mr pronunciado por Ivy (niño, chica)
Mr pronunciado por Joanna (mujer)
Mr pronunciado por Kendra (mujer)
Mr pronunciado por Kimberly (mujer)
Mr pronunciado por Salli (mujer)
Mr pronunciado por Joey (hombre)
Mr pronunciado por Justin (niño, chico)
Mr pronunciado por Matthew (hombre)

Pronunciación británica

Mr pronunciado por Amy (mujer)
Mr pronunciado por Emma (mujer)
Mr pronunciado por Brian (hombre)