Murda on the beat so it's not nice!
Tiki Taki, Spanish mami, she a hot tamale (Hot)
Make her spend that money, dummy, go retarded for me (Pop it)
Pop it, pop it, she get started, she won't ever stop it
Little thottie, thottarati choosin' everybody
Splish, splash, Apple Bottoms make that ass fat
She got that wet wet, got me blowin' through this whole bag (Rack)
She got B's, spend some cheese, now they double D's
Thought I had to free, kick her out, my mama comin' home at three
Ho thicker-thicker-thicker than a fuckin' Snicker
Drug dealer, professional pot-whipper
In the winter, buy your ho a chinchilla (Grrr)
I just bought my bitch them Kylie Jenner lip fillers
Man, oh my God
She Instagram famous but she can't keep a job (Ooh)
Man, oh my God
Swipe her 30-inch weave on her sugar daddy card (Ooh)
Man, oh my God
Her doctor got her bustin' out her motherfuckin' bra (Mmm)
Man, oh my God
She Uber to a nigga with no car
Talkin' 'bout the relish, I do not embellish
write - ír
weave - szövés
tonight - ma este
threw - dobta
three - három
swipe - elcsór
walls - falak
sugar - cukor
stripes - csíkok
still - még mindig
started - indult
squad - osztag
splish - splish
thicker - vastagabb
spanish - spanyol
spain - Spanyolország
snicker - vihogás
super - szuper
roger - nyugtáztam
these - ezek
relish - élvez
pulled - húzta
producer - termelő
point - pont
never - soha
money - pénz
propellers - propellerek
dream - álom
dolls - babák
winter - téli
dealer - kereskedő
wonder - csoda
daddy - apu
doctor - orvos
christ - Krisztus
medusa - medúza
burial - temetés
bottoms - fenék
professional - szakmai
chinchilla - çinçilla
laces - fűzők
whole - egész
finna - Finna
bitch - kurva
thick - vastag
dispatch - elküldés
embellish - díszít
bitches - szukák
retarded - retardált
margielas - margielas
double - kettős
instagram - Instagram
jenner - Jenner
recall - visszahívás
chris - Chris
apple - alma
spend - tölt
barbie - Barbie
whiplash - ostorszíj
though - bár
bought - vásárolt
quick - gyors
dressed - öltözött
through - keresztül
splash - loccsanás
rights - jogok
jacket - dzseki
little - kicsit
thought - gondolat
bread - kenyér
advice - tanács
bunch - csokor
block - blokk
dummy - színlelt
wings - szárnyak
nigga - nigger
ended - vége lett
everybody - mindenki
famous - híres
fillers - töltőanyagok
purple - lila
hurry - siet
jealous - irigy
marcellus - marcellus
cheese - sajt
jesus - Jézus
whipper - habverőhossztengellyel
kanye - Kanye
kylie - kylie
lucky - szerencsés
magic - varázslat
tamale - Tamale
marble - üveggolyó
match - mérkőzés
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