"Whats wrong buddy? Tell me!"

"There is this girl!"

"A girl? You serious? What's the matter, just go for her."

"She likes basketball players, football players, muscle men."

"Listen man, forget about all those other guys, what you need to do is be yourself. Girls like that!"


"Trust me, I know these things."¨

"Talent show."

You found it

Kick it

You found out I got a crush on you

You must have heard it from my best friend

She's always talking when she should be listening

Can't keep a secret to save her life

But still I trusted her with all I felt inside

I never knew a rumor could spread so fast

But now the word is out all over town

That I'm longing for you

yourself - saját magad
wrong - rossz
written - írott
would - lenne
trust - bizalom
thoughts - gondolatok
those - azok
likes - kedvel
rumor - szóbeszéd
friend - barát
maybe - talán
trace - nyom
found - talál
forget - elfelejt
girls - lányok
matter - ügy
basketball - kosárlabda
inside - belül
whats - izé
buddy - haver
listen - hallgat
crush - szétzúz
assured - biztosított
easily - könnyen
should - kellene
listening - kihallgatás
never - soha
trusted - megbízható
these - ezek
displayed - megjelenik
because - mert
charades - charades
emotions - érzelmek
heard - hallott
longing - vágyakozás
before - előtt
football - futball
cause - ok
could - tudott
always - mindig
control - ellenőrzés
other - más
about - ról ről
talking - beszél
message - üzenet
really - igazán
still - még mindig
talent - tehetség
players - játékosok
secret - titok
muscle - izom
serious - súlyos
surrender - megadás
there - ott
spread - terjedését
things - dolgok

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