Fifteen men on the Dead Man's chest
Drink and the Devil had done for the rest
The mate was fixed with the bo'sun's pike
And the bo'sun brained with a marlin-spike,
Cookie's throat was marked belike
It had been gripped by fingers ten,
And there they lay, all good dead men,
Like break o' day in a boozin' den
Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum!
Fifteen men of the whole ship's list
Dead and bedamned and the rest gone whist
The skipper lay with his nob in gore
Where the scullion's axe his cheek had shore,
And the scullion he'd been stabbed times four
And there they lay, and the soggy skies
Dripped all day long up staring eyes
By murk sunset and by foul sunrise--
Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of rum!
Fifteen men of 'em stiff and stark
Ten of the crew bore the murder mark
'Twas a cutlass swipe or an ounce of lead,
Or a yawning hole in a battered head,
wrapped - csomagolt
woman - nő
where - ahol
untold - tömérdek
times - alkalommal
tight - szoros
throat - torok
tough - kemény
there - ott
sunset - napnyugta
sullen - mogorva
struck - ütött
stiff - merev
stark - erős
staring - bámuló
spike - tüske
spanish - spanyol
soggy - átázott
whole - egész
skies - égbolt
shuddering - borzongás
wench - némber
swell - dagad
shift - váltás
shared - megosztott
fathoms - öl
thumb - hüvelykujj
dripped - csöpögött
shore - part
every - minden
scullion - konyhalegény
cheek - orca
purplish - lilás
drink - ital
dared - mertek
souls - lelkek
break - szünet
while - míg
their - azok
plucky - bátor
sunrise - napkelte
sightless - vak
cutlass - rövid kard
gripped - megfogott
mainsail - mainsail
turns - menetek
flimsy - gyenge
lookouts - kilátót
marlin - Marlin
blade - penge
middle - középső
sudden - hirtelen
stabbed - leszúrt
bight - hajlat
chest - mellkas
bosom - kebel
glare - ragyogás
battered - kopott
bottle - üveg
fifteen - tizenöt
charting - grafikonrajzoló
clapped - tapsolt
cabins - kabinok
light - fény
brained - brained
devil - ördög
fingers - ujjak
through - keresztül
fixed - rögzített
yawning - ásítozás
rotting - rothadó
ounce - uncia
going - haladó
heave - zihál
heaved - megemelkedett
doubt - kétség
knife - kés
swipe - elcsór
marked - megjelölt
screen - képernyő
murder - gyilkosság
sight - látás
paradise - paradicsom
twice - kétszer
skipper - hajóskapitány
plate - lemez
plunge - fejesugrás
stern - tat
could - tudott
sailed - vitorlázott
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