Here I come to find myself, catch the tide,
Looking for a peace at the end of the line.
Sometimes I can't help myself, fever's high,
I'm all at sea and so unwise.
I'm so afraid I'll lose your love as times goes by,
But courage is a fire and a beacon so bright.
The sunset built a memory, our love sign,
And all at sea we come alive.
unwise - oktalan
there - ott
sunset - napnyugta
stone - kő
standing - álló
called - hívott
built - épült
sometimes - néha
close - bezárás
throw - dobás
bright - fényes
world - világ
turning - fordítás
afraid - félnek
fires - tüzek
looking - keres
memory - memória
setting - beállítás
where - ahol
courage - bátorság
belong - tartoznak
beacon - jeladó
catch - fogás
design - tervezés
flare - fellobbanás
goodbye - viszontlátásra
times - alkalommal
lonely - magányos
peace - béke
myself - magamat
place - hely
alive - élő
shore - part
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