You find your life is not quite like what you thought it would be
And you don't know that you can hold the world in your hand
And all the people surrounding you just want what you have
So you've been weak up until now that your soul has been stripped...
Naked in the sand
Pick yourself up, and change
Pick yourself up and change
You couldn't see their faces as they were calling your name
Your head was spinning from the laughter of strangers to you
You turned around, your head in your hands as confusion sets in
Was just madness you felt, no more hearts will be broken...
turned - fordult
treasures - kincsek
thought - gondolat
their - azok
yourself - saját magad
stripped - megfosztott
strangers - idegenek
sadness - szomorúság
quite - egészen
pleasure - öröm
people - emberek
patience - türelem
world - világ
demands - igények
counts - számít
unworthy - méltatlan
confusion - zavar
madness - őrültség
command - parancs
changing - változó
lived - élt
broken - törött
given - adott
wishes - kívánságait
hands - kezek
about - ról ről
until - amíg
around - körül
surrounding - környező
change - változás
spinning - fonás
hearts - szívek
would - lenne
calling - hívás
laughter - nevetés
dying - haldoklik
faces - arcok
holding - holding
still - még mindig
grant - biztosít
unsavoury - kellemetlen
granted - megadott
naked - meztelen
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