Come join your inner wonderland
A place of all you don't understand
Come join this labyrinth deep within
The place of all miracles of your mind
Come join the magic, the power that you create
Come be aware it's an illusion you have made
Come join the flow that guides you through a restless mind
Come join the flow that moves the night
You've passed the gates now, the door to inner wonderland
You've passed the gates made to create the borders of your dream
within - belül
weightless - súlytalan
touch - érintés
wonderland - meseország
through - keresztül
second - második
restless - nyughatatlan
embraces - ölelések
dream - álom
magic - varázslat
night - éjszaka
place - hely
borders - határok
anyone - bárki
begins - elkezdődik
miracles - csodák
beyond - túl
further - további
passed - elmúlt
power - erő
aware - tudatában van
gates - kapuk
labyrinth - labirintus
understand - megért
create - teremt
guides - útmutatók
illusion - illúzió
while - míg
moves - mozog
daily - napi
enter - belép
inner - belső
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