Weak and frightened
Paralyzed and naked
They are children running for their lives
Lives are taken
Terrorists mistaken for they use the young ones
As refined living shields
Pain and deep fear
Hostage in an ancient rage between people torn by their ideals
Willing to die, willing to kill
Hopeless and blind in their world where innocence dies
Weak and frightened
Paralyzed and naked
They are children running for their lives
Lives are taken
Terrorists mistaken for they use the young ones
innocents - ártatlanokat
battle - csata
before - előtt
hostage - túsz
ancient - ősi
grief - bánat
frightened - rémült
where - ahol
different - különböző
between - között
endless - végtelen
break - szünet
blind - vak
crazy - őrült
taken - tett
causes - okoz
naked - meztelen
children - gyermekek
practice - gyakorlat
hopeless - reménytelen
mistaken - téves
ideals - ideálok
lives - életét
fight - harc
engulfed - elnyelte
understand - megért
living - élő
willing - hajlandó
crying - síró
paralyzed - bénult
people - emberek
circles - körök
present - ajándék
refined - kifinomult
running - futás
shields - pajzsok
innocence - ártatlanság
pride - büszkeség
through - keresztül
terrorists - terroristák
young - fiatal
never - soha
watching - nézni
isolated - izolált
their - azok
while - míg
world - világ
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