You're playin' with my thunder, heavens knows I sometimes wonder who you are
You're so sweet but on the street, who do you meet when we're apart
I see trouble rollin' off you like rain
But I look up and I see lightning again
Between the lies and rumours, there's a world of mystery
But I believe in you, do you believe in me
I fell in love with danger, now I'm going through all these changes by myself
wonder - csoda
wanna - akarok
trouble - baj
thunder - mennydörgés
through - keresztül
tells - megmondja
sweet - édes
sometimes - néha
things - dolgok
something - valami
someone - valaki
saying - mondás
danger - veszély
knows - tudja
these - ezek
changes - változtatások
chorus - énekkar
again - újra
going - haladó
apart - eltekintve
street - utca
believe - hinni
breaking - törés
rumours - pletykák
between - között
heavens - egek
lightning - villám
world - világ
rules - szabályok
gotta - kell
myself - magamat
mystery - rejtély
nothing - semmi
little - kicsit
people - emberek
nobody - senki
reasons - okok
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