Is there something i should know?
it would help if you´d explain what´s going on
could you help me understand
just what it is that you accuse me of
cos from the moment that i wake up
you´re watching every move i make
you got me wrong this time
you got me wrong
yourself - saját magad
wrong - rossz
until - amíg
tonight - ma este
there - ott
stashed - stashed
watching - nézni
something - valami
would - lenne
understand - megért
behind - mögött
foolish - bolond
floor - padló
could - tudott
every - minden
should - kellene
accuse - vádol
anybody - bárki
objections - kifogások
because - mert
bathroom - fürdőszoba
foolishness - ostobaság
speak - beszél
going - haladó
explain - megmagyarázni
guess - találd ki
nothing - semmi
limit - határ
moment - pillanat
never - soha
someone - valaki
place - hely
right - jobb
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